Stages of development of digital linguodidactics of Russian as a foreign language



The digital transformation of education, the emergence new technologies that expand linguodidactic base Russian as a foreign language (RFL), modern conditions for education implementation have become an occasion to study teaching methods in aspect didactics. aim research is highlight stages development linguodidactics RFL and determine key characteristics each them. material was scientific papers on organizing learning process with help computer technology, methodological justification using educational resources RFL, well authors' long-term observations formation linguodidactics. To achieve this aim, general knowledge were used - analysis, synthesis, induction; linguistic comparative component complex analysis resources; empirical observation didactics over past decades, comparison achievements stage terms creating their consolidation relevance teaching. “digital competence teacher”, didactics”, linguodidactics” are considered. concept methodology decades under influence digitalization economy society competencies teacher has been determined. As result study, four identified article: 1 late 1980s-1999; 2 2000-2010; 3 2010-2020; 4 2020 present. For period, revealed: interactivity multimedia 1; distance visualization 2; content mentoring 3; system rethinking 4. Identifying seems promising both scientific, methods, future studies RFL.

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عنوان ژورنال: Rusistika

سال: 2023

ISSN: ['2618-8163', '2618-8171']